Monday, February 24, 2014

The Blog is Hot, The Blog is Hot

(Hot hot!) Round 3: The Return to Mexico. It's been a few years so I might be rusty, but I'm pretty excited to have a reason to do this again. Tomorrow I start an adventure with three of the most significant contributors to my life. We're taking motorcycles to, through, around, and maybe past Mexico. My cousin Tim and my friend Joe and I have beaten out millions of competitors for the chance to escort my friend Kali at least partway to her journey to Nicaragua. We have been preparing for months (and by preparing, I mean learning to ride motorcycles). We have learned a lot about the impossibility of motorcycle maintenance, which really is a blessing; the less we are capable of, the fewer tools we might as well bring. We are a bad-ass slap-your-infant kick-your-kitten overstretch-your-Lululemons motorcycle club. Join us here as we explore the open road and continue on our increasingly fruitless quest to learn how to be less bad-ass. Stay tuned... Love, Dirty Riders

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